Dream It ~ Achieve It in 2017!

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.
Richard Bach

Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
Napoleon Hill

Reading these quotes today and several others with a similar message and asking myself, “what does it mean to dream it and achieve it?” “How can this help someone who is building a business of their own?” Is the dream portion all that important? I say emphatically ~ “YES”! Put the DREAM to paper and go as far as to find photos of the parts of that Dream that bring it to life for you! Seeing these images of what a successful business will bring to you and how a DREAM BOARD will bring focus to your daily work ethic will certainly bring about the achievement of that Dream! Bringing others on board with you to share your dream is important as well. Break this dream/vision for yourself down into goals and then the goals into activities. As you work through your day, ASK… “Is what I’m doing right NOW bringing me closer to my dream for myself and for my family?” If it isn’t, then Stop, change gears and move in a work direction that WILL!